My Favrioute Sites !

Updated this page: 10/7/99, all the sites have now got categories, so you can find the site you want!!!


BBC Home page - this site has tones of info in it you can spend quite ages reading all the articles. It also has latest news, current events, Weather, and all the other services from the beeb you would expect. It is the most visited web site in Britain

Daily Mirror - this site is of a newspaper I read, the site is ok, it has all of today's news, as well as a live webcam pointing at the millennium dome!

The Simpson's Unplugged - a great Simpson's website, has pics, sounds, trivia and you can download the font used for the Simpson's cartoons

Ren & Stimpy's Top Secret HQ - this is a site that is devoted to Ren & Stimpy, the site is quite mad, with pics, sounds, classic songs, and there is even ren and stimpy music playing in the back ground, be sure to have you speakers on!

Click here for a list of all the British Newspapers !

Search Engines

Hotbot - my fav search engine, also do a free email and home page service

Excite - - another cool search engine that does lots of stuff!

Altavista - - this is a good sensible search engine, good for animal related stuff.

UK Plus - - a nice search engine if you are looking for British pages.

Supercrawler - - a search engine that combines four different search engines into one!

Educational Sites

Canterbury College - - my college's home page, tells you all the courses the college does as well as links to four search engines.


Hotmail - - this is who I use for my email, it is free to join up and you can access your account from anywhere in the World.

Fortunecity - - This is the people, who kindly gave me web space for my pages, I thought they were better than geocities

Microsoft - - the people who made Internet Explorer (the browser I use) and they also made Front Page Express which I used to make this web page. (It came free with the Freeserve disk!)

Tesco - - Britains biggest supermarket web site, you can buy food from here (or so it tells me!!), check how many clubcard points you have and sign up to there free ISP

Yahoo Chat - - seems that every page has a link to yahoo I thought I better had, I use yahoo chat, as it is easy to use!

Fast Counter - - the people who gave me a nice web page counter.

Dejanews - - compressive newsgroup services using your web browser.


Rockmine On-Line - - this site has pictures of lots of bands, it had some nice Beatles ones!


Freeserve home page - - my ISP's home page, not a bad page with lots of stuff on. A good ISP to join if you are in the UK as it is free, but recently I have had trouble connecting.

X-Stream Network - - a good free ISP, has a little advert while you are using your browser, claims that it uses 0800 numbers at certain weekends for 100% free access, but this I have yet to see this happen.

If you think a web site should be added to this list, or want to know an address of a site that is not here, then please email me! [email protected] I will check the site out and probably put it on this page. Please get in contact especially if you have an animal site.